[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2015, 34(2) 557-564 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Mao, Y.
����ʡ���ù���ɲ�ѧԺ������ 130012

Ӧ�� ABAQUS ����Ԫ������Խ���׮֧��������ȶ��Ե���ع�ϵ���з��������֤�����ӽ���׮��ȿ�����Ч����λ�ƣ����ӽ���׮���ȶ�ϵ��; ���Ž���׮������ӣ������潫�仺������Ҫλ�ƴӽ���׮�Ķ����������µ��������ڽ���׮���ж������ڴ˻�����ģ�⸴������ˮ��������׮��� (D) �������� (H) �Ĺ�ϵ�����ó�����Ѻ�ȹ�ϵʽΪ: D =1. 35H ��5. 575��

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��esearch on optimum thickness of compound soil nailing cement- soil mixing pile in the building deep foundation pit supporting
MAO Ying
Jilin Economic Management Cadre College��Changchun 130012��China

ABAQUS finite element software has been used to analyze the relationship between the supporting thickness and stability of cement- soil mixing pile�� The results show that the thickness of mixing pile controls the displacement and increases the stability effectively�� The sliding surface becomes slower along with the thickness in- creasing of mixing pile��and the main displacement decreases and concentrates from the top to the middle part of mixing pile�� Then��by simulating the relationship between the thickness of compound soil nailing cement- soil mix- ing pile and the deepness of foundation pit��the authors obtain the optimum formula is D =1. 35H ��5. 575��

Keywords: building engineering   foundation pit supporting   cement- soil mixing pile   optimum thickness   soil nailing  
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1�� ���1, ����2, �����2, ��¼��2.���� FLAC 3D �Ի���֧����ֵģ�����[J]. �������, 2013,32(4): 857-861

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