[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2015, 34(2) 468-475 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Qi, P.
Article by Sun, J. G.
Article by Sun, Z. Q.
1. ���ִ�ѧ ����̽���ѧ�뼼��ѧԺ������ 130026; 2. ������Դ�� Ӧ�õ��������ۺϽ�������ʵ���ң����� 130026


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Effects of 2- D random media to acoustic wave propagation
QI Peng, SUN Jian-Guo, SUN Zhang-Qing
1. College of Geo- exploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China; 2. Laboratory for Integrated Geophysical Interpretation Theory��Ministry for Land and ��esources��Changchun 130026��China

The formation of stratum is uncertain and random��so it is more appropriate to model based on the random theory�� The authors describe the small scale inhomogeneity in the underground medium by random media modeling�� And in order to study the propagation characteristics of acoustic wave in the small scale inhomogeneous media��the authors build different scales 2- D random media models and use the finite differential method to model the acoustic field in the random media�� Then compare the seismic record and its waveform and amplitude in differ- ent correlation lengths to study the relationship between these characteristic quantity with correlation lengths�� The result shows that as the parameter described the small scale inhomogeneity��the correlation lengths have a great in- fluence on the acoustic wave propagation in random media��

Keywords: random media model   acoustic wave   autocorrelation length  
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1�� ������, ��Ƽ, �ͽ�, ���, ���޺�.���𴢲�Ԥ�⼼��������ľ����ſ���������Ӧ��[J]. �������, 2012,31(2): 351-356

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