[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2015, 34(2) 436-444 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Qu, Y. X.
Article by Sun, G. S.
Article by Hu, Z. J.
Article by Zhang, J. Z.
Article by Wang, C. G.
Article by Su, R.
Article by Wang, G.
Article by Li, D.
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Characteristic of granularity of Quemocuo Formation in Saiduopugangri region of Qinghai and its sedimentary environment
QU Yuan-Xin, SUN Guo-Sheng, XU Zhong-Jie, ZHANG Jian-Ze, WANG Chun-Guang, SU Rong, WANG Gang, LI Dong
1. College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 2. ��egional Geological and Mineral ��esources Survey of Jilin Province��Changchun 130022��China; 3. Chinese Academy of Science��Institute of Earth Environment��Xi'an 710061��China

In Saiduopugangri region of northern Qiangtang Basin��the Quemocuo Formation of lower Jurassic Yanshiping Group is widely exposed�� The formation mainly consists of a set of clastic rocks intercalated with car- bonate rocks�� The clastic recks are sandstone and siltstone�� The granularity analysis of Quemocuo Formation reflects that rock components are made up of jumping components and suspending components�� and the former is main com- ponents��indicating that the separation of samples is good�� Finally�� the authors consider that the overall depositional environment of Quemocuo Formation shows delta facies��in which the main facies are the desposit of sandstone and siltstone of delta- front facies��and the main types of sandstone are detritus sandstone��arkose and quartz sandstone�� The lower member of the formation shows the delta- front facies which are near the prodelta�� while the upper member of the formation shows the delta- front facies which are near the delta plain facies��

Keywords: Qinghai Province   Saipuduogangri   Quemocuo Formation   granularity characteristics   sedimen- tary environment  
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