[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2015, 34(2) 396-407 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Xing, D. Q.
Article by Liu, Y. J.
Article by Tang, Z. X.
Article by Li, W. M.
Article by He, J. L.
Article by Liang, C. Y.
Article by Cui, Y.
Article by Zhang, L.
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1. ���ִ�ѧ �����ѧѧԺ������ 130061; 2. �������￱̽�����о�Ժ������ ��ԭ 138000; 3. �������ʿ���о��������� 110034

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��esearch on Upper Paleozoic tectonic framework and evolution of Songliao Basin
XING Da-Quan, LIU Yong-Jiang, TANG Zhen-Xing, LI Wei-Min, HE Jun-Ling, LIANG Chen-Yue, CUI Yang, ZHANG Li
1. College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 2. Jilin Oilfield Exploration and Development Institute��Songyuan 138000��Jilin��China; 3. Shenyang Institute of Geology and Mineral ��esource��Shenyang 110034��China

The Songliao Basin locates the north of North China Plate�� and the east of Xing'an block�� It is con- sidered as a NE- trending fault broad rift basin�� The authors synthesize the latest regional geological data��drilling data��and gravity and magnetism data to analyze the Upper Paleozoic distribution characteristics of the Songliao Ba- sin�� Based on the interpretation of gravity and magnetic data and seismic- geology section��the authors determine the location and active stages of the 12 skeletal faults��and suggest that the Upper Paleozoic basin is characterized in one uplift sided by two depressions�� Combined with the tectonic revolutionary regulation of Northeast China��the tectonic evolution of Songliao Basin can be divided into four stages as follows�� The first stage demonstrates that�� Songnen block and Xing'an block collided roughly along the Heihe- -Neijiang- -Zhalantun suture at the end of Early Carboniferous��resulting in NWW- -SEE- trending compressional deformation��forming the“one uplift sided by two depressions”tectonic framework�� The second stage shows that Jiamusi- - Mongolia block and North China plate colli- ded along the Xar Moron suture zone in Late Permian��causing formation of the NS- trending extrusion generated WE-trending relief fold�� The third stage represents that the subduction of west Pacific plate beneath the Asian conti- nent in Jurassic��forming the NE- - NEE- trending strick- slip faults�� The fourth stage is the period that the Mesozoic NW- trending brittle fracture deformed at the time around 110 Ma��

Keywords: Songliao Basin   Upper Paleozoic   structural pattern   tectonic evolution  
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