[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2015, 34(1) 254-258 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Shi, Y.
Article by Zhang, M. Y.
Article by Li, B. W.
Article by Fan, J.
Article by Ma, X. L.
ʷ߮, ���Ϋh, ���, ����, ������
���ִ�ѧ ��������ԴѧԺ������ 130021

Ϊ�о� OH-���ͼ���Ǧ������Ⱦ����ˮ�޸��Ŀ����ԣ�ͨ������ʵ���Ʊ�����������þ��������ȥ������ˮ�� Pb �� Cd �����ܽ����о���ʵ�����������ؽ������ȶ���������ҪΪ����Ӧ����ȥ����һ�ؽ��� (Pb �� Cd) ʵ���У�Pb �� Cd ��ȥ���ʶ��ɴﵽ 99%���ϣ���Ӧ����һ����Ӧ����ѧ����Ӧ���ʳ����ֱ�Ϊ 0. 173 7 min-1 �� 0. 003 7 min-1 ������������þ�ڴ��� Pb �� Cd �ĸ�����Ⱦʱ Pb ������ Cd ��Ӧ��Pb �Ĵ��ڻ�� Cd �ij������������á�

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Study on performance of modified magnesium hydroxide to stabilizing lead and cadmium polluted groundwater
SHI Yi, ZHANG Meng-Yue, LI Bo-Wen, FAN Jiao, MA Xiu-Lan
College of Environment and ��esources��Jilin University��Changchun 130021��China

To investigate the feasibility of OH- slow-releasing agent used to remedy lead and cadmium pollu- ted groundwater��modified magnesium hydroxide was prepared in lab��and its feasibility to remedy the lead and cadmium polluted groundwater was studied in this work�� The experimental results showed that precipitation was the predominant mechanism of the heavy metals removal�� In the experiments for Pb or Cd removal alone��both of their removal efficiencies were over 99%�� The reaction followed first- order reaction kinetics; and the observed Pb and Cd reaction rate constant was 0. 173 7 and 0. 003 7�� respectively�� In the combination system of Pb and Cd�� precipitation of lead was prior to cadmium; while the presence of Pb would pose an inhibitive effect on the precipitation of cadmium

Keywords: magnesium hydroxide   lead   cadmium   stabilization  
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