[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2015, 34(1) 232-239 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Liu, N.
Article by Liu, C.
Article by Liu, Y.
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����ɿ�Դ��� (MCSEM) ������һ�ֵ�Ƶ��Ų����׿�̽���������������Ĵ��������� MCSEM �������ݽ�����ɱȽ����ص�Ӱ�졣���Ķ� MCSEM �����ص�ʹ�ͳ˫���˲����������ܽ�عˣ��ڴ�ͳ˫���˲����������ϸ��� MCSEM �����ص����ʱ��˫���˲�������Ӧ�õ� MCSEM ���ݴ����С�ͨ����ģ�����ݺ�ʵ�����ݵĴ����������: ʱ��˫���˲��ķ����ܹ��Ϻõ�ѹ�� MC- SEM �������������С�Զ�շ���������������ţ���������ں�������� MCSEM ����������

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Marine controlled- source electromagnetic data de- noising method based on time- varying Bilateral Filtering
LIU Ning, LIU Cai, LIU Yang
College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China

The marine controlled- source electromagnetic (MCSEM) method is a low frequency electromagnet- ic subsurface surveying technique�� The existence of the seafloor noise often seriously influenced the MCSEM follow- up inversion and interpretation�� In this paper�� we reviewed the MCSEM noise characteristics and traditional Bilater- al Filtering method��and proposed time- varying Bilateral Filtering method on the basis of the traditional Bilateral Filtering method and MCSEM noise features��and applied this method into MCSEM data processing�� Through the processing of synthetic model and field data��the result shows that the MCSEM noise can be well suppressed by the time- varying Bilateral Filtering method��especially for the middle- long and long offset area noise��which improved the MCSEM data quality for follow- up processing��

Keywords: MCSEM method   time-varying Bilateral Filtering   EM noise attenuation  
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