[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2015, 34(1) 167-177 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Meng, X. R.
Article by Liu, L.
Article by Yu, L.
Article by Yu, M.
Article by Qu, X. Y.
Article by Yang, H. D.
��������ϲ��Դ CO 2 ��ע��������������dz��ֲ�����
����Ƚ, ����, ����, ���, ��ϣ��, ��ᶫ
1. ���ִ�ѧ �����ѧѧԺ������ 130061; 2. �й�ʯ�ʹ�ѧ (����) �����ѧ�뼼��ѧԺ��ɽ�� �ൺ 266580; 3. �й�ʯ�ͼ�������ֹ�˾ ��̽�����о�Ժ������ ��ԭ 138000

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�ؼ����� ��������ϲ�   ����������   ����ֲ�   ����   CO2  
Differences in distributions of mantle- derived CO 2 charging secondary reservoir in deep and shallow layers of southern Songliao Basin
MING Xiao-Ran, LIU Li, YU Lei, YU Miao, QU Xi-Yu, YANG Hui-Dong
1. College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 2. Faculty of Earth Sciences �� Technology��China University of Petroleum��Qingdao 266580��Shandong��China; 3. ��esearch Institute of Exploration and Development��Jilin Oilfield Company��PetroChina��Songyuan 138000��Jilin��China

Based on the summary of a large number of known research achievements the following conclusions can be drawn by the authors�� The deep formation of southern Songliao Basin is characterised by the enrichment of hydrocarbon gas��and the accumulation stage of hydrocarbon gas focusing on the deposition period of the second member of Denglouku Formation and on the late Cretaceous�� The shallow layer of southern Songliao Basin is rich in petroleum��and the accumulation stage of petroleum is mainly from the end of Mingshui Formation to Early Paleogene�� The CO2 mainly accumulated in the third and fourth member of Quantou Formation��and the Yingcheng Formation��in which the reserves of CO2 is large with mantle origin�� The generation of CO2 is related to volcanic activi- ty during the later- stage of late Miocene�� The accumulation periods of shallow and deep formations are earlier than the charging of mantle CO 2 �� The shallow layers have better conditions for the secondary accumulation of petroleum driven by the mantle CO2 charging�� which could be regarded as the favorable targets for re-exploration of conventional petroleum��

Keywords: southern Songliao Basin   secondary reservoir   vertical distribution   oil and gas   CO2  
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