[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2015, 34(1) 135-141 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Yang, P.
Article by Ma, Y. X.
Article by Bai, L.
Article by Cao, X. G.
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�������� 1�� 50 �򲼸������쳣ͼ���� 24 ×24 km2 �� 49 �������ȡ���������쳣��ֵ��g���ù�ʽ HM =34. 8 ��0. 062 8��g�����ݻ��Ī������ȣ����� 1�� 200 ������Ī���������ͼ�������� 1 800��������� (��) Ͷ����ͼ�ϣ��ܽ�����ϴ��͡������ͽ����󴲵Ŀ�᣶�λ 7 �����ɡ����������Ͽ�᣽�������ʽ��ϱ���ĸ�ʽ������ݣ����з����� 8 ���μ�������ݴ���10 ����ᣲ�̨�����μ���������̨�����������ϴ��͡������ͽ����󴲵����ɡ�չ����

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Crust- mantle positioning rules for Yunnan large and super- large metallic mineral deposits
YANG Ping, MA Ya-Xiong, BAI Lei, CAO Xian-Guang
Yunnan Nonferrous Metals Geological Bureau��Kunming 650051��China

The bouguer gravity anomaly mean value ��g is calculated with 49 grid points in an area of 24 ×24 km 2 in the Yunnan 1�� 500��000 bouguer gravity anomaly map�� By using the formula HM =34. 8 ��0. 062 8��g and inversion��the Mohorovicic discontinuity depth is obtained to draw up the 1�� 2��000��000 Yunnan Mohorovicic discontinuity bathymetric chart�� More than 1 800 metallic mineral deposits (points) in Yunnan are projected and drawn on the map��and seven laws in positioning the crust mantle of large and super- large metallic mineral deposits in Yunnan are summarized�� The authors find out that the main body of Yunnan crust- mantle boundary presents a trend of compound mantle depression in a nearly south- north direction��in which are developed eight subprime man- tle depression belts and ten mantle wave areas�� The subprime mantle depression belts control the generation��expansion and distribution of large and super- large metallic mineral deposits in Yunnan��

Keywords: mantle depression   bench area   mineral deposit positioning rules   Yunnan Province  
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