[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2015, 34(1) 127-134 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Wang, Y. C.
Article by Tan, L.
Article by Li, M. M.
Article by Liu, X.
Article by Wang, L.
Article by Zhang, X. P.
������, ̷��, ������, ����, ����, ������
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�������� (Labrador) �ش����ô�ضܶ�����Ե���� U �����Ͷ�����������Ҫ���Ǹ����ڱ��ʻ�ɽ�Һͳ������ڵĿ󻯣���Ҫ�ֲ��� Makkovik ʡ���Ŀ���� (CMB) �Ĺ�Ԫ�Ŵ�����Һ��������С����������ҽ��� (ΰ���Һ����Ի�ɽ��)������- -��Һ�� (��Щ������ Fe ������- -Cu- -Au (IOCG) �Ϳ�)�����д��� (�����DZ���- -��������) ��ɰ�ʳ������еIJ�״�󻯣���δ���ֵ��͵IJ������͡�����������ͣ�����ѷ��ֿ󴲵ijɿ���������Ϳ󻯵������Ϸ������ó�������һЩ�ɿ�Զ�����нϴ�Ŀ�̽DZ����Ȧ�� White Bear �� U �󿱲�ս��ѡ���� Nash �� U �󿱲�ս��ѡ����

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U mineralization types and U mine exploration potential of Labrador in Canada
WANG Yong-Chun, TAN Liang, LI Meng-Meng, LIU Xing, WANG Long, ZHANG Xi-Peng
College of Mining��Liaoning Technical University��Fuxin 123000��Liaoning��China

Labrador is located in the eastern edge of the Canadian Shield��where the U mineralization are vari- ous in type�� The most important mineralization is hosted in metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks��which is mainly distributed in Paleoproterozoic supracrustal rocks and intrusive rocks in the Central Mineral Belt (CMB) of Makkovik Province�� The mineralization types in this area are Magma type (pegmatite and acidic volcanic rocks)��Epigenetic- Hydrothermal type (some ones are similar to Fe oxide- Cu- Au (IOCG) type mineral depos- it)��Cut Tape type (may be the reason of metamorphism- accountable) and layered mineralization in sandy sedimentary rocks�� but the typical unconformity are not found�� On the base of mineralization types�� combining with ore- forming geological characteristics and mineralization geological data of deposits which have been found�� we can analyze and conclude that some of the metallogenic prospect areas have great exploration potential��and we can get the delineation of White Bear Lake and Nash Lake exploration strategy selection of U deposit��

Keywords: Canadian Shield   U mineralization   Central Mineral Belt   exploration potential   Labrador  
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