[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2015, 34(1) 55-66 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Guo, H. Y.
Article by Sun, D. Y.
Article by Sun, R. J.
Article by Gou, J.
Article by Yang, D. G.
Article by Jing, H. X.
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Į����ض��ϲ���������ɽ�ҵز���Ҫ�ɹ⻪��͸ʺ�����ɣ��ʯ U- -Pb ������ȷ�������ɽ�ҷֱ��γ��� 128 ��125 Ma �� 126 ��120 Ma���⻪�������Ҹ߹踻�ƶ����þ; ����ϡ����������ԣ� w(La/Yb) N = 13. 01 �� 17. 99�� �����쳣�е� (δEu = 0. 49 �� 0. 67); ������������ʯԪ�� ��b�� K��Th��U������߳�ǿԪ�� Nb��Ta��P��Ti; �ʯ ε Hf (t)ֵΪ ��2. 5 ��3. 0�����׶� Hf ģʽ����Ϊ 989 ��1 130 Ma; �ҽ�Դ��Ϊ��Ԫ�Ŵ�ĩ�ڵĵؿ����ʡ��ʺ���ְ��Һ�����ְ��Ҹ���߼أ�þָ���ϴ� (Mg # ≈48); ϡ��Ԫ���������Ϊ��ϡ�������������ͣ� w(La/Yb) N =12. 67 ��23. 21�� �����쳣������ (δEu =0. 77 ��0. 91); ���� ��b��Ba��K��Th��U �ȴ�������ʯԪ�أ����� Nb��Ta��P��Ti �ȸ߳�ǿԪ��; �ʯ ε Hf (t) ֵΪ ��1. 2 ��4. 1; �ҽ�Դ��Ϊ�������彻��������ʯȦ��ᣣ��ҽ�������һ���̶ȷ���ᾧ���á�

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Chronology and geochemistry of Mesozoic volcanic rocks from southeastern Mohe Basin
GUO Hong-Yu, SUN De-You, SUN Ru-Jiang, GOU Jun, YANG Dong-Guang, JING Hai-Xin
College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China

Mesozoic volcanic rocks in southeastern Mohe Basin include those from the Guanghua Formation and Ganhe Formation�� Zircon U- - Pb ages indicate that they were formed in 128 ��125 Ma and 126 ��120 Ma��re- spectively�� Guanghua Formation corresponding to rhyolite in chemical composition��is rich in silicon and alkalis�� poor in calcium��ferrum and magnesium��relatively significant fractionation of H��EE and L��EE �� w(La/Yb) N = 13. 01 ��17. 99��and middle Eu anoalies (δEu = 0. 49 �� 0. 67)��LILE (��b��K��Th��U) and depleted in HSFE (Nb��Ta��P��Ti); The ε Hf (t) values range from ��2. 5 to 3. 0��and the corresponding t DM2 vary from 989 Ma to 1 130 Ma�� The magma could be derived from partial melting of crustal material during late Mesoproterozoic�� The Ganhe Formation corresponding to trachyandesites and basaltic trachyandesites in chemical composition��is charac- terized by high potassium��rich alkali and high M values (Mg # ≈48)��enriched in L��EE �� w(La/Yb) N =12. 67 �� 23. 21��with weak Eu anoalies (δEu =0. 77 ��0. 91)��depleted in HFSE (Nb��Ta��P��Ti) and relatively rich in LILE (��b��Ba��K��Th��U); The ε Hf (t) values range from ��1. 2 to 4. 1�� The geochemical data suggest that the magma could be derived from partial melting of lithosphere mantle metasomatized by subduction fluids��and proba- bly experienced a degree of fractional crystallization��

Keywords: volcanic rocks   zircon U-Pb dating   geochemistry   petrogenesis   Mohe Basin  
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