[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2015, 34(1) 44-54 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Zhang, L. T.
Article by Li, S. C.
Article by Diao, Q. Y.
Article by Li, X. F.
Article by Wang, L.
Article by Li, Z. H.
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���˰����жβ�ӵ��������������ɽ����Ҫ�������Ҽ������ʻ�ɽ��м�ҵ�һ�����Ի�ɽ����ɡ��ʯ SHI��MP U- - Pb ��������ʾ�����������ɽ�ҵ�����Ϊ131 ±1 Ma��Ϊ�������������ѧ���Խ����ʾ�������������ɽ�����Ƽ���ϵ�У���΢��Ԫ�ؿ��� Ba��Sr��P��Ti��U Ԫ�أ���Ը��� ��b��Th��K��Nd��Hf ��Ԫ�ء�ϡ��Ԫ������������㣬����ϡ���������ԣ��������Ե� Eu ���쳣���о������������������ɽ����Դ���µؿǵIJ������ڣ����γɵĹ��챳������Ϊ�ɹ�—�����Ŀ���պ�—��ײ��ɽ�����չ��

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Formation age and geochemical characteristics of volcanic rocks from Baiyingaolao Formation of middle Da Hinggan mountains
ZHANG Le-Tong, LI Shi-Chao, ZHAO Qing-Ying, LI Xue-Fei, WANG Lu, LI Zi-Hao
College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China

The volcanic rocks from Baiyingaolao Formation of Chaihe area in Da Hinggan mountains are com- posed of rhyolite and volcanic clastic��which is a set of felsic volcanic rocks�� SHI��MP U- - Pb dating shows that the age of the volcanic rocks of Baiyingaolao Formation is about 131 ±1 Ma��belonging to the Early Cretaceous�� The geochemical data show that the volcanic rocks belong to calc- alkaline series��the trace elements are characterized evidently by depletion of Ba��Sr��P��Ti��U��and enrichment of ��b��Th��K��Nd��Hf�� The ��EE distribution curves are to the right�� L��EE and H��EE fraction and Eu negative anomaly are both obvious�� Above characteristics indi- cate that the volcanic rocks are likely from lower crustal melting�� Tectonic setting of its formation may be the Mon- golia- - Okhotsk Ocean closure- stretch after collision orogeny��

Keywords: Da Hinggan mountains   Baiyingaolao Formation   volcanic rocks   geochemistry   source of magma  
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