[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2014, 33(3) 716-722 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Yu, Y. L.
Article by Liu, Z. Y.
Article by Ma, Z.
Article by Xu, Z.
Article by Du, J. J.
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1. ���ּ�����ҵ�ɷ����޹�˾������ ���� 132311; 2. ���ִ�ѧ ����ˮ��Դ�뻷���������ص�ʵ���ң����� 130021; 3. ����ʡ���������������� 130021

Ϊ�˽��о��������ؽ�����������״����������������Ʒ�ɼ��Ͳ��ԡ����õ�������Ⱦָ��������÷�� ( Nemerow) �ۺ���Ⱦָ���������� ����������������׼�� ( GB15618- - 2008) �ڶ�����׼�������� Ni �� Cd ����Ⱦ״�����л����������ۡ����������Ni ����Ⱦ��Χ��Ҫ�ھ����ĵ� 3 000 m ��Χ�ڣ�����㹲 15 �����󲿷ֳ����Ϊ��΢��Ⱦ�������Ⱦ�����������ض���Ⱦ���ۺ���Ⱦ���󡣴��⣬�������ؽ��������λ������������в��Է����������� Ni �� Cd �����������꣬˵����������Ⱦ�̶ȶ��ڵ��ص���������û��Ӱ�졣

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��isk assessment of heavy metal pollution in soil around a smeltery in Jilin
YU Yong-Le, LIU Zhao-Ying, MA Zhe, XU Zhuo, DU Juan-Juan
1. Jilin Ji'en Nickel Incorporated Company��Jilin 132311��Jilin��China; 2. College of Environmental and ��esources��Jilin University��Changchun 130021��China; 3. Environmental Protection Bureau of Jilin Province��Changchun 130021��China

The soil samples in the studied area were collected and tested��for estimating the environmental quality of heavy metal pollution in soil�� According to the second level of agricultural soils standard in Soil Environ- mental Quality Standard (GB15618- 2008)��the environmental risk of Ni and Cd in soil was accessed by using sin- gle factor index and Nemerow index�� The results show that the pollution of Ni is in the range of 3 000 m to the e- mission center�� There are 15 points of heavy mental content in the soil beyond the standard��in which most of the excess areas are precaution domain or slightly polluted domain�� There exist severe pollution and integrated pollution phenomenon in some areas�� The authors analyzed the corn plants grown in the polluted areas�� The contents of Ni and Cd in the corn plants do not exceed the related standard level��indicating the pollution of the soil in this area has no impact on corn plants��

Keywords: soil   heavy metals   soil environment   quality evaluation  
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