[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2014, 33(3) 623-629 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Zhao, L. S.
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Article by Xu, W. C.
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Circular structures of Shangguan in northern Xiong'er Mountain of Henan and its significance for prospecting
ZHAO Liu-Sheng, CHANG Yun-Zhen, XU Wen-Chao
No. 1 Institute of Geological �� Mineral ��esources Survey of Henan��Luoyang 471023��Henan��China

The region of Xiong'er Mountain in western Henan Province is important gold ore concentration area�� Circular- linear structures are in coupling relationship with ore- forming process�� Via conducting remote sensing geological interpretation of latest SPOT high- resolution remote sensing imagery and ASTE�� imagery��new circular structures have been discovered around Shangguan in the northern Xiong'er Mountain�� They mainly develop in ancient metamorphic rocks of Taihua Group and volcanic rocks of Xiong'er Group�� Mesozoic Huashan granites dis- tribute around south of Shangguan�� Multiple circular- structures are in concentrated distribution in this region�� Mo- reover��large rings often trap small ones inside them�� Circular and linear structures intersect each other�� Study of alteration extraction from SPOT and ASTE�� imagery shows that Abnormal iron- strain and hydroxyl are well devel- oped within and around region of circular structures��which suggests good prospecting foreground�� Only a few gold deposits and gold occurrences are known around the studied region previously��while the interpretation of remote sensing imagery reveals wide distributions of suspected ore occurrences�� Compared with other areas where circular structures develop in region of Xiong'er Mountain��the characteristics of imagery are more typical and more advanta- geous in metallogenic conditions�� This area may become another ore concentration area of gold and silver in the re- gion of Xiong'er Mountain��

Keywords: Henan   Xionger Mountain   remote sensing   circular structure   gold deposit  
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