[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2014, 33(1) 137-144 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Yun, J. B.
Article by Zhou, B.
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Relationship between fault system and reservoir formating in Tazhong uplift and north slope area in Tram Basin
YUN Jin-Biao, ZHOU Bo
Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Production��Sino Petroleum �� Chemical Corporation��Beijing 100083��China

The effection of faults in oil �� gas accumulation was a key factor for oil �� gas exploration in Tazhong uplift and north slop area surrounded�� Based on the interpretation of the seismic data we concluded that fault systems in Tazhong uplift and its north slope area were developed in middle Caledonan�� The NW-SE compres- sion-shear faults and NNE-SSW strike-slip faults made up the fault systems�� The fault systems underwent four staged tectonic movements��including the middle Caledonan��late Caledonan��late Hercynian��and Yanshan-Her- cynian�� It is mainly developed in middle-middle Caledonan�� The faults mainly controlled the form of the structural zone and the form of the carbonate reservoirs including the Karst --��reef --and hot fluid in type�� The late move- ments of the faults provided the main oil migration pathway�� NNE faults are the long-distance migration pathway which caused the oil and gas from north depression migrate to the Tazhong uplift�� All these result in the oil reservoir distributed along the fault belts and the various oil accumulation modes��

Keywords: Tazhong uplift   fault system   fault evolution   oil �� gas migration and accumulation   accumula- tion mode  
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