[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2014, 33(1) 102-111 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Fu, J.
Article by Wang, D. Y.
Article by Li, R. F.
Article by Yang, X. L.
Article by Yang, W. W.
��ǿ, ������, ���·�, ������, ��԰԰
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ͨ���Լ����в�����������������ֲ������Ԫ�صĵ���ѧ�о���������Ԫ�� Se ������--ֲ��֮���ת��--���ջ��ơ��о��������: ���ֺ����������� Se �ĺ���Ϊ 0. 126 �� 0. 408 μg/g�����ڼ���ʡ����Ԫ�ػ�������ֵ���Ե���ȫ������Ԫ�ر���ֵ; ����ʡ������������ Se �ĺ������ڿռ����; ���� Se Ԫ����Ч̬ת���̶Ƚϵͣ����׶� Se Ԫ�ر���Ϊ��������; ��Ч Se ������ Se ȫ�������й�ϵ������Ч Se ����Ч Ca��pH �ʼ������������; ������ Cr��Fe��Mg��Mn��Ni �� Zn ��Ч���� Se ת�������Եĸ�����; ������ʵ�� Se ������������ Se ȫ������Ч�������� pH ֵ������Ԫ����Ч����������������ԡ�

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Pedogeochemiscal research on Se in black soil areas of central Jilin Province
FU Qiang, WANG Dong-Yan, LI Rue-Fen, YANG Xiao-Lin, YANG Yuan-Yuan
College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China

We have studied the geochemistry of Se from the black soil and its bearing plants such as maize in the central Jilin Province for revealing transformation and absorption mechanism of Se between soil and plants�� The results indicate that: the Se contents in the black soil areas of the certral Jilin range from 0. 126 to 0. 408 μg/g�� which is over the background value of Jilin Province and slightly below the background value of China�� The Se con- tents in the black soil region of Jilin display spatial variations; the transformation of available content of Se is slight- ly low in level��and the absorbing Se by maize was very low in degree; available content of Se has no significant connection with its total content��whereas its available content exhibits significantly positive link to the available content of Ca and the value pH�� The available contents of Cr��Fe��Mg��Mn��Ni��and Zn display a significantly negative influence to the transformation of Se in the soil; and the content of Se in maize shows no clearly significant connection with the total and available content of Se��other elements and pH values��

Keywords: Jilin Province   central   black soil areas   selenium element   pedogeochemistry  
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