[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2014, 33(1) 94-101 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Tan, Y.
Article by Wang, J. X.
Article by Ding, P. C.
Article by Fu, Y.
̸��, ������, ���೬, ����
1. ���ִ�ѧ �����ѧѧԺ������ 130061; 2. ����ʡ���ʿ�����鿪���ֵ�һ���ʿ������Ժ������ ���� 471000

���ݽ�ɽ����� 20 km2��������ѧ������������þ�����������ӷ�������ʾ Au �� Ag�� As��Sb ����ԽϺã�����Ϊ����ҿ���ָʾԪ��; ��ͨ�������Ԫ�ر���ֵ���쳣���ޣ�Ȧ���� 9 �����쳣������Ԫ���쳣 35 ����������Ҫ����������ʴ�����ͺͺ�����ʯӢ���ͽ���塣���б�������ѿ��ƿ�������Ϊ��Ҫ�Ŀؿ��졣�ۺϵ���������Ԫ���쳣������Ԥ�ⲢȦ���� 3 ���� �������� 2 ���򼶰��������ڢ񼶰������ر��̽������֤�����ֲ����� 14 �����塣

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Soil geochemical anomaly characteristic and ore-prospecting in Jinshan gold mineralization zone of Boli County
TAN Yan, WANG Jian-Xin, DING Pei-Chao, FU Yu
1. College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 2. No. 1 Institute of Geological and Mineral ��esources Survey of Henan��Luoyang 417000��Henan China

According to the soil geochemical survey result of 20 km2range in Jinshan mineralization zone��u- sing cluster and factor analyses��the authors concluded that Au has better positive relevance with Ag��As and Sb than other elements�� These elements can be as the good indicators for gold mineralization prospecting�� By measur- ing the background value and anomaly threshold of each element��there are 9 anomalies of Au and 35 anomalies of other elements delineated�� The gold ore bodies in sulfurous altered rock type and quartz vein type are mainly devel- oped within the zone�� North-west fracture is the most important ore-controlling structure�� Integrating the geological conditions with the abnormal characteristics of elements��we extracted three prospecting targets with �� level and two target sections with �� level��and with the surface trenching engineering work in �� level target sections��14 ore bodies were delineated��

Keywords: Jinshan gold mineralization zone   soil geochemical anomaly   target prediction   engineering veri- fication   Boli  
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