[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2014, 33(1) 76-85 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Jin, H. Y.
Article by Yu, Z. T.
Article by Wu, J. X.
������, ������, �⾴��
1. ����ʡ���ʵ���Ժ������ 130061; 2. ����ʡ���ʿ�ѧ�о��������� 130012

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Characteristics of fluid inclusions and genesis of Songjianghe gold deposit in Jilin Province
JIN Huang-Yu, YU Zheng-Tao, WU Jing-Xin
1. Institute of Geologic Survey of Jilin Province��Changchun 130061��China; 2. Institute of Geologic Sciences of Jilin Province��Changchun 130012��China

Songjianghe gold deposit��located in the southeast of Jiapigou-Haigou metallogenic belt��was strict- ly controlled by a ductile shear zone and ore-bodies occurred in the SN trending faults�� According to the natural type of ores��the ore can be divided into altered rock type and quartz-vein type�� On the basis of the mineral assem- blage��metasomatic alteration and intercalation��the process of ore-forming can be divided into three phases: py- rite-quartz stage��polymetallic-quartz sulfides stage and quartz-carbonate stage�� Our studying results show that fluid inclusions in quartz can be classified into aqueous two-phase and CO2contain three-phase inclusions mainly�� Hom- ogenization temperatures of ore-forming fluid range from 138�� to 355�棬salinities range from 2. 23% to 11. 60% NaCl��densities range from 0. 59 g/cm3to 0. 99 g/cm3and the ore-forming pressure ranges from 64 to 92 MPa��the ore-forming depth ranges from 6. 45 km to 7. 88 km�� In the main metallogenic stage��aqueous two-phase and CO2-- contain three-phase inclusions coexist��with the close homogenization temperatures��big difference in salinity and decreasing CO2/H2O ratio��which shows the immiscibility or boiling characterized by CO2escaping��and resulted in salinity increasing of the residual fluid�� The gas-phase in fluid inclusions is chiefly made up of CO2and CH4and shows mantle characteristics�� Comprehensive research presents that Songjianghe gold deposit belongs to the mesozo- nal orogenic gold deposit in genetic type��

Keywords: geological characteristics   fluid inclusions   deposit genesis of ore deposit   Songjianghe gold deposit   Jilin Province  
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