[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2013, 32(4) 659-664 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Tan, X. 1
Article by Sun, G. 1
Article by 2
Article by Zhang, Y. 1
̷Ц1, ���1, 2, ����1
1�� ����ʦ����ѧ������ѧԺ������110034; 2�� ���ִ�ѧ�����������ݻ��뻷���������ص�ʵ���ң�����130026

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A new technique to decipher the epidermal structure of plant fossils
TAN Xiao-1, SUN Ge-1, 2, ZHANG Yi-1
1�� College of Palaeontology��Shenyang Normal University��Shenyang 110034��China; 2�� Key-Lab for Evolution of Past Life and Environment in Northeast Asia��Ministry of Education��Jilin University�� Changchun 130026��China

A new technique for deciphering the epidermal structure of conifers collected from the Middle Jurassic of western Liaoning��China��is introduced�� The technique is stepped in process by removing contamination on surfaces of fossil leaves with chemical treatment at first��applying the optical microscope with large depth of field and SEM for observing the stomatal bands��then using cellulose peel technique in the specimens to observe�� The result clearly shows that the epidermal structure of conifers appears to be similar with of Sequoia in stomatal bands and stomatal apparatus�� The new method overcomes the shortcoming of images unclear remained in the traditional cellulose peel technique��and provides a new referred approach for analyzing the epidermal structure of fossil leaves and leafy shoots��

Keywords: conifers   epidermal structure   chemical treatment   optical microscope with large depth of field   SEM   cellulose peel technique  
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1�� ������, ������, ����, ����.�����ŷ���̽��������ά����ģ��[J]. �������, 2012,31(4): 797-802

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