[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2013, 32(3) 606-611 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Lou, H.
Article by Mu, R. G.
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Multi-objective evaluation model based on AHP in mining geotechnical engineering environmental quality
LOU Hao, MU Ri-Gen
First Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology Exploration Institute of Inner Mongolia��Hohhot 010020��Inner Mongolia��China

Mine development brings negative effects to the environment of mining area�� To evaluate mine environmental quality is a necessary way to realize the sustainable development of mining industry�� The multi-objective evaluation index system of the environmental impact assessment in mine geotechnical system was established�� and the weights of which was determined based on AHP�� The classification rules were stipulated��and then each evaluation index was classified�� Multi-objective synthesis evaluation model for the environmental impact assessment in mine geotechnical system was established��and the model was applied in mining��

Keywords: mine geotechnical system   environmental quality assessment   analytic hierarchy process   multiobjective synthesis evaluation  
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