[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2013, 32(3) 579-583 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Bi, Y. Q. 1
Article by Wang, L. 2
Article by Wang, B. P. 2
Article by Bi, Y. F. 3
Article by Liu, B. B. 4
��ͼM3. 7 ������M4. 3 ����ǰ��Y��Y--4 ���Ӧ��۲������쳣��̬
����ǿ1, ����2, ������2, ������3, ������4
1�� �ػ�����̨�����ֶػ�133700; 2. Ӫ�ڵ���̨������Ӫ��115000; 3�� �ػ�����ˮ���������ֶػ�133700; 4. ����ʡ����֣�����130117

Y��Y--4 ���Ӧ��۲���Ϊһ����Ҫ��ǰ�׹۲��ֶΣ�����Ч�ؼ�¼����ǰ���Ӧ��Ӧ��仯�����ְ�ͼ����M3. 7 ������ǰ������Ӫ������M4. 3 ������ǰ������ʡ�ػ�̨������ʡӪ��̨Y��Y --4 ���Ӧ��۲�ֱ�۲⵽�����쳣�����Աȷ������ػ�̨�۲������쳣��̬Ϊ: �쳣--��ƽ--����-- ����Ծ; Ӫ�ڵ���̨�۲������쳣��̬Ϊ: �쳣--����--���������쳣��Ȼ��̬���죬���ṩ�˷ḻ��ǰ����Ϣ�����нϺõ�ʱЧ�ԡ�

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Y��Y--4 borehole strain observation curve anomaly before and after the earthquakes of Antu M3. 7 and Liushu M4. 3
BI Yong-Qiang-1, WANG Lin-2, WANG Bao-Peng-2, BI Yong-Fa-3, LIU Bing-Bing-4
1. Dunhua Seismic Station��Dunhua 133700��Jilin��China; 2. Yingkou Seismic Station��Yingkou 115000��Liaoning��China; 3. Dunhua Sewage Treatment Plant��Dunhua 133700��Jilin��China; 4. Jilin Province Seismology Bureau��Changchun 130117��China

Y��Y-4 borehole strain observation��an important precursor method��can effectively record stress and strain changes before and after earthquakes�� Before and after the M3. 7 level earthquake in Antu of Jilin��and before M4. 3 earthquake in Liushu of Yingkou��Liaoning��the Y��Y-4 borehole strains observed by the Dunhua Station of Jilin and Yingkou Station of Liaoning Province were separately shown in abnormal curves�� Through comparative analysis��the abnormal curved morphology of Dunhua Station seismograph is: abnormal-going flat-earthquakepost earthquake steps; while the abnormal curved morphology in Yingkou Station seismograph is: abnormal-going back-earthquake�� Although they are different��the fact still provided rich precursory information��which is significant for prediction in time on impending earthquake��

Keywords: abnormal strain   shear strain   earthquake prediction   Jilin   Antu   Liaoning   Liushu  
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