[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2013, 32(3) 564-570 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Yang, L.

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Paleogeomorphological restoration and tectonic evolution of Fuyu reservoir in central depression of southern Songliao Basin
YANG Liang
E��D ��esearch Institute of Jilin Oilfield��Songyuan 138000��Jilin��China

There are three difficulties in study of paleogeomorphological restoration and tectonic evolution in the Fuyu reservoir of the central depression in south Songliao Basin��including the strong erossion and severe strata destrution in most areas; the lithology changing quickly��making the compacting restoration difficult; and the data calculation tremendous and complicated�� The study has been finally accomplished by selecting the effective strata erosion method��establishing resonable continual compaction restoration equation and working out easier software�� It shows that during the sedimentary period of Fuyu reservoir��the channel sand body were distributed widely��and the three low-potential energy areas in south��southwest and west areas controlled the development of the four water systems�� which all were due to the comparatively even topography in the research area�� The depression conformation of the research area formed at the end of Qingshankou stage with little change happening later��and the buried depth of K1qn1 source rocks in the central research area is over 1 400 m at the end of Nenjiang stage��which reaches the threshold depth of hydrocarbon generation and goes into the stage of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion�� At the end of Mingshui stage��the maxium burial depth was up to 2 400 m��reaching the threshold depth in most of the area�� Lifting and erosion happened later��and the tectoinc conformation finally shaped��

Keywords: central depression   Fuyu reservoir   paleogeomorphology   tectonic evolution  
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