[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2013, 32(3) 549-557 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Li, X.

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Subdivision and characteristic of tectonic units in Fujian Province
LI Xia
Fujian Institute of Geology Survey and ��esearch��Fuzhou 350011��China

Based on geological records from stratigraphic division and correlation��sedimentary and volcanic formation��magmatic activities��deformation and metamorphismthe��the author makes a new division on the tectonic units of Fujian region with the guidance of plate theory�� It can be subdivided into three second-order tectonic units�� five third-order tectonic units and eighteen fourth-order tectonic units�� The second-order tectonic units include Cathaysia Massif ( V-3) ��magmatic arc of coastal Southeast ( V-4) and conjunctive zone of central Fujian ( V-7) �� The third-order tectonic units contain ancient arc-basin System of Wuyi ( ��-3-1) ��Nanping-Ninghua ( failed ) rift ( V-3-2) ��epicontinental sea basin of southwest Fujian ( V-3-3) ��magmatic arc of coastal eastern Fujian ( V-4-1) and Songxi-youxi ophiolite mélange ( V-7-1) �� The fourth-order tectonic units consist of the Jianning ancient back arc basin and other seventeen tectonic units��

Keywords: tectonic unit   conjunctive zone of central Fujian   Fujian Province  
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