[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2013, 32(3) 505-514 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Qin, D. H. 1
Article by Wang, K. Y. 1
Article by Chang, L. 1
Article by WEI, L. M. 1
Article by Deng, Z. P. 2
Article by Wang, Y. X. 2
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1. ���ִ�ѧ�����ѧѧԺ������130061; 2. ɽ�����ڽ�̩�ƽ��������ι�˾��ɽ������265723

ɽ������������λ�ڽ����Ķ�������ʯӢ��--ʴ�����ͽ�󴲣��󻯷�Ϊ4 ���׶Σ�������--ʯӢ���׶Σ�ʯӢ--������׶Σ����������׶κ�ʯӢ--̼���ν׶Ρ�����������о�����������������ɿ�׶�ʯӢ�з�����Һ����ͺ�CO2 ��������壬Ҳ�ɼ������ĸ���������塣��Һ����������һ�¶ȷ�ΧΪ133. 5 �� �� 325. 7 �棬��ֵΪ290 �� �� 310 �棬�ζ�Ϊ2. 80% �� 17. 82% NaCl; ��CO2 ����������һ�¶ȷ�ΧΪ236. 5 �� �� 315 �棬����������ֵ��Ϊ230 �� �� 240 ���310 �� �� 320 �棬�ζ�Ϊ0. 41% �� 8. 92%NaCl; ������������һ�¶ȷ�ΧΪ222. 1 �� �� 236. 4 �棬��ֵΪ230 �� �� 240 �棬�ζ�Ϊ7. 71% �� 9. 98%NaCl���ۺϵ����������������Ͱ�������΢���½����Ϊ: ������󴲳ɿ�����Ϊ���¡��е��ζȵ�NaCl --H2O --CO2 ����ϵ�����������ҽ���Һ�������͡�

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Geological characteristics and fluid inclusions of Jiuqu gold deposit in Linglong��Shandong
QIN Dan-He-1, WANG Ke-Yong-1, CHANG Liang-1, WEI Lie-Min-1, DENG Zhi-Ping-2, WANG Yong-Xiang-2
1. College of Earth Sciencs��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 2. Jintai Gold Co. Ltd��Longkou of Shandong��Longkou 265723��Shandong��China

The Jiuqu gold deposit of Linglong is a quartz vein-altered type gold deposit�� The mineralization process can be classified into four stages: pyrite-quartz phase��quartz-pyrite phase��polymetallic sulfides and quartz-carbonate phases�� The study of fluid inclusion shows that aqueous two-phase��CO2-bearing three-phase and minor gas-rich fluid inclusions developed in quartz of the main mineralization in Jiuqu gold deposit�� Fluid inclusion indicates that the aqueous two-phase homogenization temperature ranges from 133. 5 �� to 325. 7 �� with the peak value between 290 �� and 310 �棬salinity varies from 2. 80% to 17. 82 % NaCl�� The CO2-bearing three-phase homogenization temperature ranges from 236. 5 �� to 315 �� with two peak values as 230 �� �� 240 �� and 310 �� �� 320 �棬salinity varies from 0. 41% to 8. 92%NaCl�� The gas-rich fluid inclusion homogenization temperature ranges from 222. 1 �� to 236. 4 �� with the peak value between 230 �� and 240 �棬salinity varies from 7. 71% to 9. 98%NaCl�� Comprehensive study of ore-forming condition��geological features and microthermometic analysis of fluid inclusions leads to the conclusion that the ore-forming fluid of the Jiuqu gold deposit belongs to the NaCl--H2O --CO2 hydrothermal system with medium temperature and medium-low salinity�� The deposit is middle-temperature magmatic and hydrothermal in origin��

Keywords: geological characteristics   fluid inclusion   Jiuqu gold deposit   Linglong   Shandong Province  
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