[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2013, 32(3) 427-436 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Zong, L. Y. 1
Article by Lv, J. C. 2
Article by Wen, W. C. 1
Article by Yang, Q. 1
Article by Wan, Y. 1
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1. ���ĵ��ʲ���ݣ�����750011; 2. �й����ʿ�ѧԺ�����о���������100037

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Discovery of dinosaur footprints from Ningxia and its significance
ZONG Li-Yi-1, LV Jun-Chang-2, WEN Wan-Cheng-1, YANG Qing-1, WAN Yang-1
1. Ningxia Geological Museum��Yinchuan 750011��China; 2. Institute of Geology��Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences��Beijing 100037��China

The first discovery of dinosaur footprints from Guyuan of Ningxia is briefly reported�� These dinosaur footprints include the ornithopod and the sauropod dinosaur footprints�� All of them are found in the Early Cretaceous deposits of Liwaxia Formation�� The ornithopod dinosaur footprint is named as Ningxiapus liupanshanensis ichnogen et inchnosp�� nov�� It is characterized by the ratio of length to width 1. 22��the first toe slender��shorter than the fourth toe��the angle between the second and the third toes 35°��and the angle between the third and fourth 45° also�� The sauropod dinosaur preserved their tracks also�� Their manus and footprints are 36 cm and 15 cm long respectively�� which implies that they were left by mid-sized sauropod dinosaurs�� The discovery of these footprints provides important information on reconstruction of paleobiogeography and paleoecology��and the discovery is very significant for searching of the dinosaur bones from this area in the near future��

Keywords: dinosaur footprints   Ningxiapus liupanshanensis   Early Cretaceos   Ningxia   Guyuan  
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