[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2013, 32(2) 422-426 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Zhang, Z. F. 1
Article by Guo, J. 1
Article by 2
Article by Han, L. G. 1
Article by Xu, S. H. 2
Article by Gong, X. B. 1
����AutoCAD �İ��ɱȵ�ֵ�߻������
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1. ���ִ�ѧ����̽���ѧ�뼼��ѧԺ������130026 2. �й���ѧԺ��������������о���������100029

��Ի��ư��ɱȵ�ֵ����Delaunay �������㷨����Ч�ʺ;��ȵ͵����⣬����AutoCAD ���ͼ�λ��ƻ���������VBA ���ο������ߣ���������ֵ��һ���µ�CONREC �������������ε�ֵ�߻��Ʒ������ϣ����Ƴ���ȷ��ú����ɱȵ�ֵ�߻��Ƴ��򣬾���֤��������Ϊ���ʡ�����Ĺ��̿����ṩ���ߣ�Ҳ�����ڻ���������ֵ��ͼ��ͬʱҲΪAutoCAD ����VBA �����о������ṩ����ο���

�ؼ����� AutoCAD   �����   ��ֵ��   ���ɱ�  
Design of drawing stripping ratio contour line based on AutoCAD
ZHANG Zheng-Feng-1, GUO Jian-1, 2, HAN Li-Guo-1, XU Shan-Hui-2, GONG Xiang-Bo-1
1. College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China 2. Institute of Geology and Geophysics��CAS��Beijing 100029��China

In order to solve the problem of the low efficiency and accuracy of the Delaunay triangulation algorithm configuration drawing stripping ratio contours��we use VBA secondary developing tool and combine the Kriging and the new CONREC tectonic grid square contour drawing method and design a precise program of drawing stripping ratio contour line based on AutoCAD�� The result shows that it can provide a project developming tool for the geology and mineral area��and can also be used to draw other contour maps and provide a useful reference for the AutoCAD environment VBA secondary research and development��

Keywords: AutoCAD   kriging   contours   stripping ratio  
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1�� ���»�, �����, ��÷, �Ų�, ��˶��, �����.�������Ƶ�ֵ�ߵĵ���ˮ��Ⱦ�ʷֲ�[J]. �������, 2011,30(1): 51-55

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