[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2013, 32(2) 290-299 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Guo, X. X. 1
Article by 2
Article by Liu, L. 1
Article by Meng, Q. A. 3
Article by Yu, M. 1
Article by Yu, Z. C. 1
Article by Song, S. S. 1
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Reservoir characteristics and controlling factors of pyroclastic rocks of Tongbomiao Formation and Nantun Formation from Tanan Depression in Tamtsag Basin��Mongolia
GUO Xin-Xin-1, 2, LIU Li-1, MENG Qi-An-3, YU Miao-1, YU Zhi-Chao-1, SONG Shi-Shun-1
1. College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 2. College of Resources and Environment��Northeast Agricultural University��Harbin 150030��China; 3. Exploration and Development Research Institute of Daqing Oilfield Ltd. ��Co. ��Daqing 163712��Heilongjiang��China

Reservoir characteristics and controlling factors of pyroclastic rocks were researched by observation on rocks with slides and SEM��taken those from the Tongbomiao Formation and Nantun Formation in Tanan Depression of Tamtsag Basin as an example�� The pyroclastic rocks are mainly composed of tuff ( flood tuff) ��sedimentary tuff and tuffaceous sandstone ( conglomerates) �� Pyroclastic reservoir spaces can be divided into four types: primary pores��primary cracks��secondary pores��secondary cracks��including 10 sub-types��dominated by secondary dissolved pores�� The pyroclastic rocks belong to the reservoir with middle-low porosity and extra low permeability in type with approaching the edge of depression��the porosity and permeability become higher�� Two abnormal high porosity belts are found at the locations of 1 900 m �� 2 100 m and 2 600 m �� 2 900 m�� Reservoir qualities are affected by lithology and lithofacies��tectonic movement��diagenesis��thermal evolution of organic matter��etc�� ��in which the main influence factors are lithology��lithofacies and diagenesis��

Keywords: Mongolia   Tamtsag Basin   Tanan Depression   pyroclastic rock   reservoir   main controlling factors   pore type  
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