[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2013, 32(2) 200-211 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Wang, J.
Article by Li, B. L.
Article by Zhang, H.
Article by Xu, Q. L.
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Evolution characteristics of Tongkuangyu copper fluid in the Zhongtiaoshan mountains��Shanxi Province
WANG Jian, LI Bi-Le, ZHANG Han, XU Qing-Lin
College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China

Tongkuangyu copper deposit is located in the south of North China craton medio-orogenic belt�� The major ore-hosted rocks are granodiorite porphyry��monzogranite and metamorphosed mafic volcanic rocks�� we made petrographic��microthermometric and laser Raman spectroscopic studies on the fluid inclusions�� The results show that fluid inclusions in quartz crystals can be classified into aqueous and gas two-phase��daughter mineral-bearing multi-phase��halite daughter mineral-bearing phase��CO2-bearing and pure CO2 phase inclusions�� In early mineralization stage��fluid inclusions are characterized by mainly daughter mineral-bearing multiphase type with 436. 2 �� ���� 550 �� in homogenization temperatures and 49. 34% �� �� 62% in NaCl salinities��and halite daughter mineralbearing type with 345. 6 �� �� �� 550 �� in homogenization temperature and 29. 72% �� �� 62% in NaCl salinities�� In main mineralization stage��fluid inclusions are halite daughter mineral-bearing type with 169. 1 �� �� 324. 9 �� in homogenization temperatures and 30. 47% �� 39. 75% in NaCl salinities��aqueous type with 159. 9 �� �� 242. 9 �� in homogenization temperatures and 1. 56% �� 22. 31% in NaCl salinities��and a small amount of CO2 type with 259. 7 �� �� 320. 5 �� in homogenization temperatures and 8. 93% �� 13. 16% in NaCl salinities��and pure CO2 type with 24. 3 �� �� 27. 22 �� in homogenization temperatures�� Inclusions of the late mineralizing stage only contain aqueous and gas two-phase type with 126. 9 �� �� 212. 3 �� in homogenization temperatures and 1. 56% �� 7. 44% in NaCl salinities�� Laser Raman spectroscopy of inclusions indicate that the principal gas-phase components are H2O and on the early stage the gas components are CO2 and HF��on the main mineralization stage the gas components are CO2 and N2 �� CO2 is prevalent in fluid inclusions�� The fluids on the early mineralizing stage should be a NaCl-H2O-CO2 system with high homogenization temperature��high salinity and high oxygen fugacity�� In the main mineralization stage the CO2phase and NaCl-H2O phase inclusions coexisting indicates immiscibility or boiling of fluids�� The low temperature and low salinity aqueous and gas two-phase inclusions of late mineralization stage may be derived from meteotic water�� On the basis of fluid features and the geological characteristics��genetic type of Tongkuangqu copper is defined porphyry copper��

Keywords: fluid inclusion   tongkuangyu   porphyry deposit   Zhongtiaoshan mountains   Shanxi Province  
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