[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2013, 32(1) 170-176 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Zhang, Q.
Article by Huang, H.
Article by Jiang, Q. G.
Article by Yang, C. B.
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����ң�м�������ETM +Ϊ��Ҫ����Դ�����ɶ����ϵ���������ز㵥Ԫ���ҽ��ҺͶ��ѹ���Ľ����־���������ң��ʴ����Ϣ����ȡ����; ��ϸ̽����������Ҫ�����󴲵�ң�е���ģ�͡��������ڵ��Ϳ󴲳ɿ����������ң�н����־�Ƚ���ң�п�ģ�͡������ȡ��ȫ��ң�п���Ϣ���гɿ�Ԥ�⣬ȫ����ɸѡ���񼶳ɿ�Ԥ����24 ������Ԥ����86 ������Ԥ����12 ����

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Remote sensing interpretation and metallogenic prediction in southern Jilin and eastern Liaoning
ZHANG Qin, HUANG Hang, JIANG Qi-Gang, YANG Chang-Bao
College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China

With remote sensing technique��choosing ETM imageries as main data source��we built interpretation keys of stratigraphic unit��magmatic rocks and fault structure��then extracted the interpretation alteration data of the studied area and detailedly studied remote sensing geological model of main metal ore deposit in the work area�� According to the geological condition and remote sensing interpretation keys of some typical ore deposits��we built remote sensing mineralization models and carried out metallogenic prediction with the extracted remote sensing mineral data�� There were 24 level ��86 level�� and 12 level�� pieces of mineralization prospected areas��

Keywords: remote sensing interpretation   alteration information   mineral forecast   southern Jilin and eastern Liaoning  
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1�� ������1, 2, ��ʤ��1, �¹�1, 2, ŷ������2, ���Ǿ�2, ������2, �����2.������ѷ�˸���ɽ�������������ɿ�Ԥ��[J]. �������, 2013,32(2): 221-228

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