[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2013, 32(1) 144-152 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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C1 ����㷨
Manhattan ����
Article by Liu, H. Y.
Article by Liu, C.
Article by Liu, Y.
Article by Zhang, Y.
Article by Gao, F. X.
������, ����, ����, ��Ӫ, �߷�ϼ

��������弼��������Ч��ѹ�������ԣ�ͻ���������ԣ��ȵ�����Ƭ�ĵ��ʽ��͸�ֱ�ۣ��ܸ�ϸ�µؽ��жϲ���͡�����Manhattan ���������弼�����봫ͳ��C1 ����㷨���бȽϣ��ü��������ڶϲ�ʶ����������Ҫǿ��C1 ����㷨�����ҵ����������㷨��ȡ�ϲ���Ϣ��Ч���൱ʱ���ü��������ʱ������Ҫ��C1 ����㷨���õ����ʱ������С����ǡ����߳���������ٶȣ�����˵�������弼��������Ч�ʡ����⣬������弼��Ҳ�ܽ��Ƽ����ÿ�����ݺ���߷����ϵ���ʱ����ǡ�

�ؼ����� ����弼��   C1 ����㷨   Manhattan ����   �ϲ�ʶ��  
Application of coherence technique based on Manhattan distance
LIU Hai-Yan, LIU Cai, LIU Yang, ZHANG Ying, GAO Feng-Xia
College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China

Seismic coherence technique can effectively suppress the continuity and highlight the discontinuity�� which is more intuitive than those of the geological interpretation of geological slices and has more detailed interpretation on the fault�� Compared the coherence technique based on the Manhattan distance with the C1 coherence algorithm�� this technique is not only stronger than C1 coherence algorithm in fault identification capabilities��but also has the smaller time window than the C1 coherence algorithm when the two algorithms have equivalent fault information�� which can improve the speed of program and the operating efficiency of seismic coherence techniques�� The coherence technique based on the Manhattan distance can also compute the visual time angle of every path in horizontal- vertical lines approximately as the C1 coherence algorithm works��

Keywords: coherence technique   C1 coherence algorithm   Manhattan distance   fault identification  
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