[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2013, 32(1) 137-143 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Yu, Q. L. 1
Article by Han, L. G. 1
Article by Zhang, Y. 1
Article by Meng, Q. Y. 2
Article by Ning, Y. L. 1
Article by Huang, F. 1
����BFGS �㷨�ĵز�Ʒ�����ӷ��ݷ���
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�ؼ����� Ʒ�����ӹ���   BFGS �㷨   ����S �任   ����  
Inversion of stratigrarhic quality factor based on BFGS algorithm
YU Qing-Lu-1, HAN Li-Guo-1, ZHANG Ying-1, MENG Qing-Yan-2, NING Yuan-Li-1, HUANG Fei-1
1. College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China; 2. Daqing Drilling Engineering Company��Songyuan 138000��Jilin��China

Oil and gas explorations have been shifting from simple structure exploration to lithological exploration�� today�� One of the major geological exploration targets is the stratigrarhic-lithological reservoirs in the future�� The Q value is significant in stratigrarhic-lithological exploration�� In order to estimate the Q value��we propose the Q value estimation method based on BFGS algorithm and generalized S-transform�� We get amplitude spectrum of different travel times by generalized S-transform and constructing an optimization problem��and then use BFGS algorithm to estimate seismic quality factor�� The method can calculate the cross correlation coefficients of amplitude spectrum in the whole band range and avoid the influence of the band range�� The convergence speed of the BFGS method is faster�� Simulated examples and actual data processed results show that the method estimated quality factor effectively with better anti-noise property��

Keywords: quality factor estimation   BFGS method   generalized S-transform   iteration  
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