[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2013, 32(1) 45-53 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Wen, Z. M. 1
Article by Jiang, S. G. 1
Article by Li, X. J. 2
Article by Tian, F. Q. 1
Article by Liang, B. S. 2
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1. �ൺ���ǿ�ҵ�ɷ����޹�˾��ɽ���ൺ266748; 2. ���ִ�ѧ�����ѧѧԺ������130061

1#��Ϊ�ɵ���������һ������ʯӢ�������ܽ�1#���������ʵ���ѧ�������󻯸������ɼ����ҿ��־�Ȼ����ϣ�Ԥ��������������塣1#���ܳ��� 6 000 m��ƽ���� 3 m �ı�������ѹ�����ƣ���������ʯӢ����Ϊ�����������Ҫ�ֲ��ڿؿ���ѹ�����λ���������Ϻ������Ϸ������Ա仯�IJ�λ�������Ⱥ��Ҫ�ֲ��ڻͰ��Һ��������ҵ����Ҽ��зֲ���λ���ؿ���ѿ��ǿ�軯��ǿ��Ӣ�һ����棬����״��ϸ��״ʯӢ�������Լ��������ҺͻͰ��������Ϊ�����������������ĵ��ʱ�־�����ݿ�����1 000 �������ѧԭ������Ʒ�о������������As��Sb��Hg Ԫ������쳣���������쳣����ǿ�쳣�ضκ�ǿ�쳣��Ʒ����ָʾ��������塣������Щ���ʺ͵���ѧ�ҿ��־����1#���Ԥ���4 ������������������Ѷ������������������˿ӵ�������֤��

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Geological and geochemical characteristics and deep prospecting in Lode No. 1 in Jiudian gold deposit of Shandong
WEN Zhi-Min-1, JIANG Shen-Guang-1, LI Xu-Jun-2, TIAN Fu-Quan-1, LIANG Ben-Shing-2
1. Qingdao Jinxing Gold Mining Company Ltd�� ��Qingdao 266748��Shandong��China; 2. College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China

Lode No. 1 is the largest gold-bearing quartz vein in Jiudian gold deposit�� Based on the summaries on the geological and geochemical characteristics��the mineralization enrichment and the geological and geochemical indicators of the lode��the probable location of deeply-seated ore body targets are predicted�� Lode No. 1 is controlled by a NE trending��over 6 000 m long and averaging 3 m wide fault��and belongs to gold-bearing quartz vein in type�� The gold-ore body occurs mostly in widening location of ore-controlling fractures and changing location of trendency��and the orebodies group distributes in enrichment position of lamprophyre and dioritic porphyrite�� The widen portions of the faults��the coexistence of intense silicification and berecitization��the development of quartz stockwork and veinlet and the presence of lamprophyre and diorite porphyrite are the indicators for the probable sites of deep-seated ore bodies�� Based on the summary of the studied resuets of more than 1000 geochemical samples�� the association of As��Sb and Hg belongs to the head halo elements and the intense anomaly positions and samples reveal the deep-seated ore bodies�� Based on above discussion��four ore body targets have been defined��in which two were tested in Lode No. 1 by tunnel engineering��

Keywords: Jiudian gold deposit   metallogenic law   ore-searching indicator   overlapped geochemical halo;deep prospecting   Shandong Province  
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