[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2013, 32(1) 15-23 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Wu, T. T. 1
Article by Chen, Y. J. 1
Article by Zhang, Y. F. 2
Article by Zhang, Y. 3
Article by Zhao, H. G. 4
Article by Wang, C. B. 1
Article by Liu, Y. J. 1
Article by Zhu, H. L. 1
Article by Wu, G. X. 1
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Characteristics of ore-forming fluids and ore genesis of Miantian gold-copper deposit in Yanbian of Jilin Province
WU Tao-Tao-1, CHEN Yue-Jun-1, ZHANG Yu-Feng-2, ZHANG Yong-3, ZHAO Hong-Guang-4, WANG Chang-Bing-1, LIU Yong-Jun-1, ZHU Huai-Liang-1, WU Guo-Xue-1
1�� College of Earth Science��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 2�� Institute of Geological Survey of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region��Huhhot 010020��China; 3�� No. 1 Gold Geological Party of the Armed Police Force��Mudanjiang 157021��Heilongjiang��China; 4�� Faculty of Civil Engineering��Changchun Institute of Technology��Changchun 130012��China

Miantian gold-copper deposit is a gold-copper-based multi-metal deposit controlled by faults and neutral intrusions�� On the basis of geological survey��we studied the ore-forming fluids by infrared spectroscopy and micro themometry�� The results showed that the wall rock alteration was dominated by sericitization and propylitization�� and the mineralization consisted of four stages��including the beresite stage��quartz-pyrite stage��polymetallic sulfides stage and quartz-carbonate stage��Correspondingly the homogenization temperatures were 320�� �� 360�棬 280�� �� 320�棬200�� �� 280�� and 200�� �� 240�棬in which the second and third were the main mineralization stages��corresponding homogenization temperatures from 200�� to 320��) �� At the same time there were the highestcontents of H2O and CO2 in the main mineralization stages�� Salinity of fluid varied between 1. 91% and 13. 40% ( wt%��Nacl) and density was 0. 69 �� 0. 95 g /cm3��with obvious characteristics of low salinity and density�� The main ore-forming depth was from 0. 8 km to 1. 5 km��which indicated the epizonal characteristics�� Based on the compositional analytical results of fluid inclusions��the values of δ18OH2O and δDH2O were �� 4. 7 × 10 �� 3 �� 5. 83 × 10 �� 3 and �� 89 × 10 �� 3 �� �� 124 × 10 �� 3��which illustrated that the ore-forming fluids mainly originated from magmatic hydrothermal along with a small amount of atmospheric water�� Miantian gold-copper deposit belonged to medium temperature epizonal magmatic-hydrothermal deposit��

Keywords: Miantian gold-copper deposit   fluid inclusions   infrared spectrum   genesis of deposit  
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