[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2012, 31(4) 772-777 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Ma, L. 1
Article by Yin, X. Y. 1
Article by Sun, H. 2
Article by Fu, B. S. 3
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Present status of oil shale resource utilization in the world and its development prospects
MA Ling-1, YIN Xiu-Ying-1, SUN Hao-2, FU Bao-Shan-3
1��College of Earth Sciences��China University of Petroleum ( Beijing) ��Beijing 102249��China; 2��Institute of CAPF��Langfang 065000��Hebei��China; 3��Regional Survey of Geology and Mineral Resources of Jilin Province��Changchun 130022��China

Because of the increasing of oil price and the shortage of conventional oil and gas resources��the oil shale of unconventional oil and gas resources may become the important oil complementary and alternative energy in the 21th century due to its rich resources��its economy and its feasibility of development and utilization�� Approximately 70% of the proven reserves of the world��s shale oil resources converted by oil shale is distributed in the United States followed by China��Russia��Brazil��Canada��Jordan��Australia and Estonia��etc�� ��while over 85% oil shale of China is in Jilin��Liaoning and Guangdong provinces�� Along with the increasing attention on the development and utilization of oil shale��the oil shale reserves��shale oil production and economic value of oil shale have showed the growth trend��and the support of corresponding policy have also increased��

Keywords: Oil shale   reserves   shale oil   combustion and power generation   development prospects  
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