[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2012, 31(4) 730-739 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Li, H. 1
Article by Dong, Q. S. 1
Article by 2
Article by Lou, R. X. 3
Article by Zhang, K. W. 1
Article by Zhang, Y. 1
Article by Sun, L. 1
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Regulation of Silurian--Devonian hydrocarbon accumulation in Bachu--Maigaiti region of Tarim Basin
LI He-1, DONG Qing-Shui-1, 2, LOU Ren-Xing-3, ZHANG Kai-Wen-1, ZHANG Yong-1, SUN Lei-1
1�� College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 2�� Oil Shale Laboratory Center��College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 3�� College of Application Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China

In Bachu--Maigaiti region of Tarim Basin��the oil source rocks are Cambrian--Ordovician marine carbonate rocks��the reservoir is Silurian--Devonian delta--shoreland sandstone in character��and the cap rocks are tight mudstone by tidal��which formed a fault source--reserve--cap assemblage with better potential for petroleum exploration�� Through comprehensive research on the distribution of sedimentary facies��characateristics of faults evolution and paleouplift and palaeoslope��combined with the expulsion of oil source rocks and the characateristics of founded oil and gas��it is concluded that the deposition and tectonic controled Silurian--Devonian hydrocarbon accumulation in this region�� By the end of Permian��the uniclinal structure and slope regions formed in expulsion period of the Cambrian--Ordovician hydrocarbon source rocks connected with Silurian--Devonian reservoir by long lived faults are the favorable regions of hydrocarbon accumulation��represented by the fault zone between the K2 �� F1 wells and the slope zone between the Y1--BK8--B5 wells�� The hydrocarbon reservoirs are lithologic and structural-- lithologic reservoirs in type��

Keywords: Silurian--Devonian   hydrocarbon accumulation rule   lithologic reservoirs   Bachu--Maigaiti region   Tarim Basin  
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