[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2012, 31(3) 614-620 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Li, Y. H. 1
Article by Jiang, Q. G. 1
Article by Zhou, Z. Y. 2
Article by Cui, H. W. 1
Article by Lin, N. 1
Article by Yang, J. J. 1
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Basic elements of land remote sensing military geological map and its expression method
LI Yuan-Hua-1, JIANG Qi-Gang-1, ZHOU Zhi-Yong-2, CUI Han-Wen-1, LIN Nan-1, YANG Jia-Jia-1
1. College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China; 2. Center of Hebei Remote Sensing��Shijiazhuang 050021��China

In order to explore the basic elements and mapping method of remote sensing military geological map��the authors analyzed the relationship of the type of military activities to geological elements��according to the requirment from land military activities to remote sensing geological information��and concluded the remote sensing geological information supporting the military geological map��and put forward basic elements of remote sensing military geological map�� According to the military values��the expression method and style of military geological map are provided�� The results showed that there are 4 kinds of military elements information ( military engineering background�� resources��traffic and location information��and object) in military geological map based on 7 kinds of basic remote sensing geological information��such as fundamental geographic��mineral resources and land cover informations�� etc�� The elements of remote sensing military geological map can be obtained by information transformation�� mining and marking to achieve the simple��popular and practical military applications of professional information of remote sensing geology��

Keywords: remote sensing   military geological map   basic elements   expression method  
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