[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2012, 31(3) 567-573 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Xie, J. E.
Article by Liu, Z. C.
Article by Ren, Y. H.
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A method of predictive filter pressing random noise based on AR model
XIE Jin-E, LIU Zhi-Cheng, REN YueHua
Research Institute of Geophysical Prospecting��SinoPEC��Nanjing 210014��China

Random noise is a kind of noise which is hard to advoid in seismic exploration��and it is greatly decreased signal-to-noise ratio of seismic meterials��resulting in poor or no migration imaging�� Adaptive predictive filter method updated AR model formula under the assumption of AR model factors change in t-x domain��then introduced cost function to improve the stability and uniqueness of the solution and got 1D and 2D pressing noise recursive formula�� Synthetic and real data examples showed that adaptive predictive filtering pressed the random noise interference in signal-to-noise ratio data and protected effective seismic wave well��

Keywords: adaptive   predictive filter   random noise   signal-to-noise ratio  
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