[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2012, 31(3) 547-553 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Zhao, X. B.
Article by Guo, W.
Article by Ding, H. R.
Article by Sun, S. L.
Article by Ma, L.
��Ф��, ��Ρ, ������, ������, ����

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Pore structural characteristics and influencing factors of the Devonian Donghetang Formation reservoir in Bachu --Maigaiti area��Tarim Basin
ZHAO Xiao-Bing, GUO Wei, DING Hong-Ru, SUN Shou-Liang, MA Lin
College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China

The pore structural characteristics of Devonian Donghetang Formation reservoir in Bachu--Maigaiti area of Tarim Basin has been studied combined with mercury analysis testing and SEM observation of drill cores�� The results show that the pores of reservoir sands are mainly primary pores ( residual intergranular pores) in type�� followed by a few secondary pores ( dissolution pores) �� The reservoirs are characterized by very low porosity and ultra- low permeability��belonging to ultra-low porosity and ultra-low permeability reservoirs with thin pore throat and poor porous condition�� The pore structure can be divided into three types��in which the type �� is the main one ( 75%) �� The pore structural characteristics are influenced by the diagenesis and sedimentation��in which diagenesis is the main influencing factor��

Keywords: Tarim Basin   Bachu--Maigaiti area   Devonian   Donghetang Formation   pore structure  
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