[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2012, 31(3) 441-450 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Li, D. J. 1
Article by Zhou, X. D. 1
Article by Wang, G. Q. 1
Article by Chen, M. 1
Article by Lang, J. B. 2
Article by Wang, C. Y. 3
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1�� ����ʡ������ʿ��������������130022; 2�� ���ִ�ѧ������ѧ��ز�ѧ�о����ģ�����130026; 3�� �й���ѧԺ�Ͼ����ʹ������о������Ͼ�210008

�ڼ�����ʯ�߼䷿�����ϲ���������Ʒ( Lqt 22 ��Lqt 26) �з��������δ�Declinognathodus bernesge��D�� inaequalis��D�� noduliferous s�� l�� ��D�� praenoduliferous����һ����Ⱥ��ʱ������ر����߼䷿����¹Ȧ�����ϲ���ʱ��Ϊ��ʯ̿�ǼͰ�ʲ������( Bashkirian) �����ڣ��ɾ�ȷȷ��ΪD�� praenoduliferous ��������D�� noduliferous �����ڡ����е���ʯ̿ϵ���м����������¹Ȧ�����ڲ���

�ؼ����� ʯ̿ϵ�м���   ¹Ȧ����   �߼䷿����   Bashkirian   ������  
Conodonts and their age from Carboniferous Lujuantun Formation of Qijianfang section in Panshi��Jilin Province
LI Dong-Jin-1, ZHOU Xiao-Dong-1, WANG Guang-Qi-1, CHEN Ming-1, LANG Jia-Bin-2, WANG Cheng-Yuan-3
1�� Regional Survey of Geology and Mineral Resources of Jilin Province��Changchun 130022��China; 2�� Research Center of Palaeontology and Stratigraphy��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China; 3�� Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology��Chinese Academy of Sciences��Nanjing 210008��China

Conodonts are found in two samples collected from the upper part of Qijianfang section in Panshi of central Jilin Province��including Declinognathodus bernesge��D�� inaequalis��D�� noduliferous sensu lato and D�� praenoduliferous�� This fauna clearly indicated that the the sampled strata were the early Bashkirian of Late Carboniferous�� precisely from the upper D�� praenoduliferous zone to lower D�� noduliferous zone�� The intermediate line of Carboniferous was determined in the interval of the Lujuantun Formation in Jilin��

Keywords: intermediate line of Carboniferous   Lujuantun Formation   Qijianfang section   Bashkirian   conodonts  
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