[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2012, 31(2) 371-376 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Pearson ���ϵ��
Article by Wang, K.
Article by Feng, X.
Article by Liu, C.
Pearson ���ϵ���������Შ��������
����, ��t, ����

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Wave filed separation of fast-slow shear waves by Pearson correlation coefficient method
WANG Kai, FENG Xuan, LIU Cai
College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China

Shear-wave splitting is an important characteristic of anisotropic media�� Generally��when S or P-SV waves reach to the ground through anisotropic media��the seismic record received by x component and y component of three-component detector contains fast wave and slow wave simultaneously�� Separating fast wave and slow wave and then calculating the anisotropic parameters of media are an important step in multi-component data processing�� The authors introduce the Pearson correlation coefficients into multi-component seismic exploration and propose the Pearson correlation coefficients to detect the rotation angle and then separate the fast wave and slow wave�� Compared with the traditional cross-correlation method��the Pearson correlation coefficient method is better in accuracy�� noise immunity and computational efficiency��

Keywords: Pearson correlation coefficient   shear-wave splitting   wave filed separation  
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1�� ������, ��t, ����, ����, ¹��.���������߷��̵���������τ-p�任��P-P��P-SV������[J]. �������, 2010,29(1): 118-123

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