[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2012, 31(1) 155-161 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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438 ����
Oued Mya ���
Article by Jiang, J. W.
Article by Ceng, Y. Q.
Article by Hu, Y. L.
����������438 ��������������ݻ��������ɲ�����
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����������438 ����λ�ڰ���������Oued Mya ��ر���������ʯ�͵������ۺͲ��ԡ��⾮�������ϣ���������������438 ����������ز���Ͳ�����������������438 ����������Oued Mya ��ع��������ڿ���ͨ��أ������˰���ϵ��־��ϵ������ϵ���׺���ز㣬������־��ϵ��ҳ�ҺͰ���ϵҳ��������Դ�ң��߱����õ�����������������NGS-P1 ����ʵ̽���ϣ��ѷ��ڰ���ϵ��Hamra ʯӢɰ�ҵijɲ������������ã�ӦΪ�ѷ���Ȧ��; �����������Dale de M'Kratta ɰ�Һ�����ϵɰ�ҵijɲ������������ã�ӦΪ����--����Ȧ�գ��ƶϱ��������������ɲ�ģʽΪ�ϲ��䵼�͡�

�ؼ����� ����������   438 ����   Oued Mya ���   ����ϵ   ������ϵͳ   �ɲ�ģʽ  
Paleozoic tectonic evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation characteristics in Algeria block 438
JIANG Jun-Wei, ZENG Yu-Qiang, HU You-Liang
Geosciences Center��CNPC Greatwall Drilling Company��Beijing 100101��China

Algeria block 438 is located in the north of Oued Mya Basin�� By petroleum geological theory and testing and well logging data��the authors analyzed the Paleozoic strata and reservoir characteristics of the block�� The results show that the Oued Mya Basin was a craton basin in Paleozoic��which deposited several marine strata in Ordovician��Silurian and Devonian�� The block developed two source rocks including Silurian mudy shale and Ordovician shale with good source-reservoir-cap condition�� On the basis of actual data of Well NGS-P1��fractures played the leading role in the reservoir formation of Hamra quartz sandstone in Ordovician��belonging to fracture trap; while the structure and lithology played the leading role in the reservoir formation of Dale de M'Kratta sandstone and Devonian sandstone��which belong to structural and lithological trap�� Therefore��the accumulate model in the studied area was fault transportation type in Paleozoic��

Keywords: Algeria   block 438   Oued Mya Basin   Ordovician   petroleum system   accumulate model  
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