[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2012, 31(1) 100-112 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Wang, L. L. 1
Article by 2
Article by Xu, J. H. 2
Article by Sun, F. Y. 1
Article by Lin, L. H. 2
Article by Chu, H. X. 2
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1. ���ִ�ѧ�����ѧѧԺ������130061 2. �����Ƽ���ѧ��Դ����ϵ������100083

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Two types of mineralization and genesis in Sarekoubu--Tiemurte area of Altay Xinjiang
WANG Lin-Lin-1, 2, XU Jiu-Hua-2, SUN Feng-Yue-1, LIN Long-Hua-2, CHU Hai-Xia-2
1. College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 2. Department of Resource and Engineering��University of Science and Technology Beijing��Beijing 100083��China

The Sarekoubu--Tiemurte deposits in southern Altay of Xinjiang occurred in metamorphic rocks of Lower Devonian Kangbutiebao Formation�� The Zn--Pb ( Cu) mineralization related to the Early Devonian marine volcanic deposition Zn--Pb ( Cu) and the late Devonian--Early carbonifeneus quartz veins mineralization related to the collisional orogeny�� The former is represented by the VMS type Tiemurte Zn--Pb ( Cu) deposit��and the latter by the orogenic type Sarekoubu gold deposit��and the vein mineralization related to orogeny superposed in the VMS deposit�� Based on the study and comparison of stable isotope characteristics of the two types of mineralization��combined with the deformation and metamorphism of mineralization and fluid inclusions��the authors discuss the metallogenic minerals��fluids and ore genesis�� The carbonic ( CO2-CH4--N2 ) fluids inclusions are widely developed in the sulfide quartz veins of the Sarekoubu deposit and the Cu-bearing quartz veins in late stage of Tiemurte deposit��indicating that the carbonic fluid inclusions are related to the hydrothermal fluid of collision orogeny�� In the Tiemurte Zn--Pb ( Cu) deposit��the δ34S values of sulfides in VMS ores range from ��26. 46 × 10-3 to �� 19. 72 × 10-3��indicating that the sulfur mainly from the inorganic reduction and bacterial reduction of seawater sulfate�� The δ34S of sulfides from late superimposed veins is closed to the δ34S values of sulfides in Sarekoubu gold deposit��indicating a deep source of sulfur in the ores�� The δDH2O and δ18OH2O in the Sarekoubu gold deposit and Tiemurte Zn--Pb ( Cu) deposit indicate the fluids in collision orogeny were related with the magmatic activity and metamorphism�� δ13C values of CO2 in carbonic inclusions range from �� 21. 15 × 10-3 to ��7. 51 × 10-3��and those of CH4 range from ��34. 11 × 10-3 to ��28. 38 × 10 -3 in Sarekoubu gold deposit�� Whereas��δ13C values from inclusions in late Cu-bearing quartz veins in the Tiemurte range from ��8. 02 × 10 -3 to �� 6. 99 × 10-3��δ13C show a deep source or magma source that is not related with marine volcanic sedimentary��

Keywords: volcanogenic mineralization   orogeny and metamorphism   stable isotopes   Altay   Xinjiang  
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