[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2011, 30(4) 677-681 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Zhang, C. E.
Article by Pan, B. Z.
Article by Wang, F.
Article by Bian, H. Y.
Article by Han, X.
Article by Chen, G.
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����ʵ����ʯ��Ƭ���ݼ��⾮���ݣ�ͨ��GR-TH ��GR-AC ����ͼ��������������Ӫ������ʯ�ṹ����Ϊ���ҽṹ���۽�ṹ�����ҽṹ3 �֡����ҽṹ���۽�ṹ��Ӧ�����࣬���ҽṹ��Ӧ�����ࡣ��ϴ�����϶�ȵĴ�С�����ġ�¼����Ϣ�Գ��ֵ�6 ������: ����м�����ࡢ�Ȼ������ࡢ�������ࡢ�ϲ����ࡢ�в�������²������һ�����֣�����������ϵ������������һ�¡�

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Recognition method for volcanic rock facies by well logging
ZHANG Cheng-En, PAN Bao-Zhi, WANG Fei, BIAN Hui-Yuan, HAN Xue, CHEN Gang
College of Geoexploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China

Using actual rock slices and logging data��the rock structures of Yingcheng Formation in Songnan gas field was divided into lava��welding and tuff structures by the cross plots of GR-TH and GR-AC�� Tuff and welding structures correspond to explosive facies��while lava structure corresponds to extrusive facies�� The six different subfacies ( thermal debris flow��thermal base surge��airfall��upper��middle and lower subfacies) recognized by secondary porosity��core and logging data show a high accuracy compared with the actual geological results��

Keywords: volcanic rock   facies   subfacies   rock structure  
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