[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2011, 30(4) 660-665 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Chen, C. L. 1
Article by Liu, Y. 1
Article by Liu, C. 1
Article by Wang, C. J. 2
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Volcanic rock recognition by local seismic attribution
CHEN Chang-Le-1, LIU Yang-1, LIU Cai-1, WANG Chun-Jiang-2
1. College of Geoexploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China; 2. No. 2 Geophysical Exploration Corporation��Daqing Drilling and Exploration Company��Songyuan 138000��Jilin��China

Volcanic rock reservoirs in China have great oil-generating potential��especially in the Songliao Basin�� where the volcanic rocks widely existed�� Thus��how to recognize the volcanic rock reservoirs effectively is significant�� The seismic attribution is an effective analysis tool of reservoir characteristics��which is the parameter to study the spatial distribution of volcanic rocks�� Frequency��seismic dip and curvature are sensitive characteristics to identify the volcanic rocks by seismic data�� The authors calculate the local frequency in the seismic profile to circle the area of low frequency using the method of local seismic attributes��and then calculate the curvature of the same profile to circle the area of high curvature value in curvature data volume�� Overlaying the two areas in seismic profile can recognize the possible distribution area of volcanic rocks and provide guidance to further recognition of volcanic reservoirs��

Keywords: local seismic attributes   local seismic dip   curvature   volcanic rock  
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