[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2011, 30(4) 655-659 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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VC + +
Article by Liu, N.
Article by Liu, C.
Article by Feng, X.
Article by Wang, K.
Article by Lan, H. T.
Article by Chen, G. Y.
Article by Chen, C. L.
����Matcom ƽ̨��VC + + ��Matlab ��ϱ�̵�������ģ��
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����ģ���ǵ���̽����Ҫ����֮һ��Ϊ�������Matcom 4. 5 ��VC + + ��Matlab �ӿڳ���ĵ�������ģ�����⣬ͨ����Matcom 4. 5 ��VC + + ��ϱ�̵��·���ʵ��EDA �����еĵ�������ģ���ʵ���������ʾMatcom ʵ��VC + + ��Matlab ��ϱ�̲�����˱��Ч�ʡ�

�ؼ����� Matcom   VC + +    Matlab   ��ϱ��   ����ģ��  
Mixed programming of seismic forward modeling between VC + + and Matlab based on Matcom
LIU Ning, LIU Cai, FENG Xuan, WANG Kai, LAN Hui-Tian, CHEN Guang-Yu, CHEN Chang-Le
College of Geoexploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China

Forward modeling is one of the important means in seismic exploration�� In order to solve the problem on the seismic forward modeling of interface program between Matlab and VC + + based on Matcom 4. 5��the authors achieve the results of seismic forward modeling in EDA media by mixed programming between Matcom 4. 5 and VC + + �� The results show the advantage of efficiency by mixed programming between Matlab and VC + + based on Matcom��

Keywords: Matcom   VC + +    Matlab   mixed programming   forward modeling  
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1�� ���廪, Ԭ����, ������, �سɸ�, ȫ־��.����Biot-Gassmann ���̵������滻�����ڷ�خ��Ȼ����PY �����Ӧ��[J]. �������, 2011,30(1): 60-64

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