[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2011, 30(4) 631-640 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Wang, Y. 1
Article by Cheng, R. H. 1
Article by Wang, G. S. 1
Article by Diao, C. M. 2
Article by Huang, D. W. 2
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Yingcheng Formation sequence stratigraphy and depositional system of Shiwu oilfield in Lishu fault depression��Songliao Basin
WANG Ying-1, CHENG Ri-Hui-1, WANG Gong-Sheng-1, ZHAO Chun-Man-2, HUANG Dang-Wei-2
1. College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 2. Exploration and Development Research Institute��Northeast Oil and Gas Branch��SinoPEC��Changchun 130062��China

The observation on drilling cores of Yingcheng Formation indicates that the main kinds of lithology are clastic rocks��interbeded with andesite lava and tuff in Shiwu oilfield��Lishu fault depression of Songliao Basin�� The Yingcheng Formation can be divided into 4 sequences in third order: S7 ( Ying 4) ��S8 ( Ying 3) ��S9 ( Ying 2) and S10 ( Ying 1) ��which developed and continued well in occurrence��reflecting 4 large-scale changes of lake level�� The Sequence 7 is a deep-water deposition��mainly developing underwater fan�� The Sequence 8 is a kind of semi-deep-water deposition in the edge of basin��mainly developing delta and fan-delta�� The Sequences 9 and 10 are shallow depositions��mainly developing brown mudstone�� The main depositional systems of Sequence 9 are the fan delta��the delta and lacustrine depositional systems�� Five kinds of subfacies including fan-delta front��delta front��delta plains��shallow lakes and semi-deep lake��and 19 kinds of micro-facies including underwater gravity channel��slump gravity flow��mouth bar��inter-bay��subaqueous fan and mud of still water��are further identified�� which are characterized by the subaqueous fan and underwater gravity channel in this area��

Keywords: Songliao Basin   Lishu fault depression   Yingcheng Fomation   depositional system   sequence stratigraphy  
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