[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2011, 30(4) 585-592 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Hu, B. 1
Article by Li, B. Y. 2
Article by Zhang, M. 3
Article by Zhang, L. L. 4
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Deformation characteristics and evolution of Jiali fault belt in Menba area��Tibet
HU Bo-1, LI Bo-Yang-2, ZHANG Ming-3, ZHANG Lan-Ling-4
1. Chongqing Institute of Geology �� Mineral Resources��Chongqing 400012��China; 2. The Tenth Geophysical Survey Institute of Inner Mongolia��Chifeng 024005��Inner Mongolia��China; 3. Geophysical Survey Institute of Inner Mongolia��Huhehaote 010050��Inner Mongolia��China; 4. Heilongjiang Province Engineering School��Harbin 150300��China

The study on geological profiles survey and structural analysis show that Jiali fault is a long historically deep and large fault with various characteristics at different times�� In Late Triassic-Jurassic��the fault belt was the northward dipping normal fault where the Biru back-arc basin on the south of Bangonghu-Nujiang ocean basin cracked��and controlled the sedimentation of the back-arc basin�� Accompanied by the disappearance of the basin�� a series of thrust faults developed from south to north and the ophiolites intruded during Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous�� Form Miocene to Quaternary��the Jiali fault redefined as an extensional tectonic system with local dextral strike-slips��and the formation mechanism is the uneven movement and subsidence of tectonic block caused by the uplift of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau��

Keywords: Jiali fault belt   deformation characteristics   evolution   Menba of Tibet  
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