[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2011, 30(4) 554-560 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Zhuang, Y. 1
Article by Wei, Y. M. 1
Article by Feng, S. Y. 1
Article by Dong, Y. S. 1
Article by Wang, K. Y. 2
ׯ��1, Τӽ÷1, ��˶ӱ1, ����ʤ1, ������2
1. ���ɹ��������������ʿ�����鿪��Ժ�����ͺ���010050; 2. ���ִ�ѧ�����ѧѧԺ������130061

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Geological characteristics of Aliben lead-polymetallic deposit in Inner Mongolia and discussion on genesis of the ore deposit
ZHUANG Yun-1, WEI Yong-Mei-1, FENG Shuo-Ying-1, DONG Yong-SHeng-1, WANG Ke-Yong-2
1. No. 3 Exploration and Development Institute of Mineral Resources of Inner Mongolia��Huhehaote 010050��China; 2. College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China

Aliben lead-polymetallic deposit is a quartz vein-altered in type��occurred in gneiss strata of Wulashan group�� The mineralization is dominated by lead with accompanying copper��gold��zinc and silver�� Two metallogenic stages can be classified that the early stage is the disseminated-Veinlet disseminated copper-lead-zinc type and subsequent galena-sphalerite-quartz veins in the late stage�� The study of fluid inclusion shows that aqueous twophase and gas-rich fluid inclusions developed in quartz of the early mineralization stage��the homogenization temperature varies from 281. 6�� to 357. 6 �� and 343. 5 �� to 351. 4 �棬salinity varies from 4. 18 to 9. 60 wt% NaCl and 1. 05 to 1. 90 wt%NaCl�� For the second mineralization stage��aqeous two-phase fluid inclusions are dominant type in��developed in quartz with the homogenization temperature ranging from 152. 6 �� to 335. 8 �棬and salinity ranging from 2. 74 to 8. 55 wt%NaCl�� Comprehensive study shows that the ore-forming fluids in the early mineralization stage mainly came from magmatic activity with meteoric water involved in later stage�� The deposit is middletemperature magmatic and hydrothermal in origin��

Keywords: Aliben lead-polymetallic deposit   geological characteristics   deposit genesis   Inner Mongolia  
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