[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2011, 30(3) 345-351 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Yu, Y. Q.
Article by Guo, S. Y.
Article by Wang, L. F.
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Characteristics and formation environment of Hercynian granites in Haorigeshan of Langshan��Inner Mongolia
YU Yan-Qiu, GUO Shou-Yu, WANG Li-Feng
Faculty of Resources��Shijiazhuang University of Economics��Shijiazhuang 050031��China

The Haofigeshan granite of Langshan in Inner Mongolia is located in the west part of northern North China platform��where the rocks are mainly granodiorites and biotite granitites in type��Through the analysis of petrochemistry and geochemistry��the rocks are super calcium-aluminate granites��Granodiorites are low potassium granites��and biotite granites are high potassium granites��Zircon U-Pb isotope dating is 243±3—272±4 Ma with the characteristics of I and S-type granites��whose tectonic environment is volcanic arc granites��The major metallogenic belts are Hercynian��and the granitites of Hercynian are important for migration of metal elements and the for— mation of deposit in Langshan of Inner Mongolia.

Keywords: granite��formation environment��Hercynian��Langshan of Inner Mongolia  
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