[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2011, 30(2) 270-276 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Wang, J. G. 1
Article by Yang, D. M. 1
Article by Tao, J. M. 2
����GIS ������������ĸ�˳���������ֺ��ۺ�����
1�� ���ִ�ѧ�����ѧѧԺ������130061; 2�� ���ִ�ѧ���ʲ���ݣ�����130026

����GIS �ֶν����о��������ֺ��Ķ�Ӱ�����ؿռ����ݿ⣬ȷ�����������������ֺ�������������ϵ������GIS �����ռ����ݷ���������������۷ּ�׼�򣬶Ե����ֺ�Ӱ�����ؽ��д������þ������������ȷ��4 ������ֺ���������������Ϊ��˳�������̻���������͵����ֺ���; �� ����Ϊ������ؼ����Ե���̻�շ������͵����ֺ���; ������Ϊ�������в����깤�̻΢�������͵����ֺ���; ������Ϊ�ϲ���ɽ������Ȼ���������͵����ֺ�����

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Comprehensive evaluation of geological hazard in Fushun area based on GIS and clustering analysis
WANG Jian-Guo-1, YANG De-Ming-1, TAO Jing-Mei-2
1�� College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 2�� Geology Museum��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China

The multi-factor spatial database of geological hazards in the studied area has been established by means of GIS��and determined the factor evaluation system which led to geological hazards�� According to the evaluation and classification criteria��the authors dealt with the influence factors of geological hazards using spatial data analysis method of GIS��and determined four geological hazard cluster areas using clustering analysis�� The Grade area �� was engineering activities dominant factor type��and mainly distributed in urban district of Fushun�� The Grade area �� was engineering activities induced factor type��and distributed in valley basin and marginal area�� The Grade area �� was engineering activities weak factor type��and distributed in northern and central hills�� The Grade area �� was natural factor dominant type��and distributed in southern mountain��

Keywords: geological hazard   comprehensive evaluation   clustering analysis   GIS   Fushun area  
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1�� ����Т1, ����Ӣ2, ������3, ���Ż�2, ��Ԫɭ2, ��͢��2, Ӧ����2.���������ֺ��뽵ˮ��ϵ����[J]. �������, 2009,28(1): 127-133

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