[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2011, 30(2) 265-269 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Yang, P. 1
Article by Wang, T. 2
Article by Dao, Z. S. 1
Article by Wang, X. M. 1
WASP ˮ��ģ���ں�����Ӫ���������е�Ӧ��
1�� ������ҵ��ѧӦ����ѧ��������130012; 2�� ������ҵ��ѧ������ѧѧԺ������130012

��̬ϵͳ����ѧģ�Ϳ�����ʵ�ؿ̻�������Ӫ�������⡣������һģ�ͣ�����WASP ˮ��ģ�ͶԻ��֧��ϸ��2007 ����Ⱦ���������������ֵģ�⣬����ģ���Ч�����з�������͡������ʾ�� 7 �·��ڿ�����ҵ԰���;����������ӶΣ�BOD Ũ�ȣ� 140 mg·L �� 1����Ⱦ���أ�����Ҫԭ��Ϊ��ҵ��ˮ�;�����ˮ�Ĵ����ŷţ�����������̬ϵͳ����ѧģ�͵�WASP �������ľ���ع��ͳ��ģ�͸��ܷ�ӳ������Ӫ��������Ķ�̬�仯���ɡ�

�ؼ����� ��̬ϵͳ����ѧģ��   ��Ӫ����   WASP   ��Ⱦ������  
Application of water quanlity model WASP in river eutrophication
YANG Ping-1, WANG Tong-2, TAO Zhan-Sheng-1, WANG Xin-Min-1
1�� Institute of Applied Mathematics��Changchun University of Technology��Changchun 130012��China; 2�� College of Basic Science��Changchun University of Technology��Changchun 130012��China

Ecosystem dynamics model can truly describe the river eutrophication problem�� Based on this model�� the authors study the numerical simulation of pollutant migration of Xihe in 2007 by WASP water quanlity model�� and analyze and explain the simulation results�� The results display that the concentration of BOD is more than 140 mg·L �� 1 in July near the industrial and residential areas��the main reason is a large amount emission of industrial and residential wastewater��which shows that WASP based on ecosystem dynamics model is more able to reflect the dymatic change law of river eutrophication than traditional experience regression model��

Keywords: ecosystem dynamics model   eutrophication   WASP   pollutant migration  
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